A Proven Record of Strong Results
As Mayor the last two years, I’m proud of what we’ve achieved – together. We secured the a vital, new public school, our tax rate remains low, and property values continue to rise. We’ve added more high-paying jobs to our thriving economy, and have a new Brightline station in progress to enhance mobility. Crime is down 14% the last two years, making our safe city even safer.
Better, Stronger, and Safer Schools
“[S]ince the school crowding problem presented itself, Singer has done about as much as a local official in Florida can do.” Boca Magazine, July 2018.
New School: Mayor Scott Singer championed the first new public school in Boca Raton in more than a decade. In December 2017, he put together the put together the plan for the city to provide 13 acres so that a new K-5 school could be built in Boca Raton, which will add nearly 1,300 student seats.
Scott’s Record on Development Issues
Mayor Scott Singer has worked to achieve better designed buildings by raising standards for new development. His calls for more meaningful open space were instrumental in changing a 13-year policy that now require more open space for downtown projects. Applicants have responded, with recent approvals providing millions of dollars in offsite roadway improvements and dedicated public space, something that did …
Scott Pledged to Keep Taxes Low and Has Delivered
Since joining the City Council in 2014, Scott has never voted to increase property taxes. Scott repeatedly voted to reduce the millage rate, and he’s committed to keeping taxes low. Scott opposed increases in user fees, as well as increases sales taxes that will impact Boca’s residents and small businesses.
Scott Raised Standards for Ethics and Accountability
Mayor Singer has led the city forward after a turbulent time, building on his prior successful efforts to raise ethics standards. Scott sponsored three sets of ethics reforms in his first three years of office. When issues came to light concerning the prior mayor, he proposed a set of ethics reforms that now require full disclosure of ethics inquiries and more guidance for ethics matters involving elected officials.
Leading the Way in Transparency
Scott is proud to be the only council member or mayor in many years to hold regular town hall meetings with residents. He’s been doing so since he started, and not just at election time. Listening and responding to residents is a core part of the job, and that’s why he works hard to answer calls, letters, and emails, and give residents every opportunity to voice their concerns.
Green Space Enhancements and Green Living Initiatives
After decades of delay by the city, Scott supported the expansion of Hillsboro El Rio Park and remediation of a former landfill site and looks forward to the park opening on February 22, 2020. Scott voted for the reopening of long-closed canoe and kayak trails and expanded boating access at Lake Wyman and Rutherford Park.
Maintaining Boca Raton’s Excellent Public Safety and Services
As a father of two young children, Scott will keep making sure our streets, schools, homes, and parks are safe. Crime rates are down 14% the last two years, and Mayor Singer has worked to ensure our police and fire rescue services attract and retain the best talent and have the necessary tools and resources to serve and protect our citizens.
Working for Smarter Traffic Solutions
Recently, Scott explored an opportunity to improve mobility and connect to a major transportation network by initiating discussions with Brightline about the possible benefits to residents of a station in Boca Raton. This discussion, in its initial stages, has already received positive feedback about the possibility of taking cars off the road while connecting to a downtown circulator and parking garage to ease congestion.
Planning for the Future
Mayor Scott Singer has held summits and discussions with neighborhood, school, and business leaders to build consensus on plans for the long-term success of our community. As a presenter at a Mayor’s Institute on City Design conference, Scott obtained insights from noted experts on the creation of University-district along NW 20th Street and presented his findings to the City Council, staff, and residents.