New School: Mayor Scott Singer championed the first new public school in Boca Raton in more than a decade.  In December 2017, he put together the put together the plan for the city to provide 13 acres so that a new K-5 school could be built in Boca Raton, which is adding early 1,200 student seats. The City Council and School District unanimously supported this proposal, which will help address capacity issues at many Boca schools and allow students to be safer during the rebuilds of Verde and Addison Mizner Elementary Schools.  The plan that came from Scott’s efforts is the biggest part of the nearly 1,900 student seats that are due to be added at all grade levels in Boca in the next few years.

“[S]ince the school crowding problem presented itself, Singer has done about as much as a local official in Florida can do.” Boca Magazine, July 2018.

School safety is essential for us all.  Since the Douglas High tragedy in Parkland, the Scott and his city council colleagues committed to the safety of our children by ensuring Boca Police were present at schools where the School District was not able to maintain officers. Not all cities made this commitment.  Recently, Scott supported the city’s agreement for the District to fund Boca Police’s continued presence to bolster their efforts, the first of its type in the county. Our officers continue to be on site, and we will now bear less cost, as we expand our partnership with the District. At last year’s strategic planning sessions, Mayor Singer pushed for funds for hardening schools and is working with parents and School District representatives to plan for implementation of these funds.

Mental Health: In 2018, Scott also introduced an plan for the city to partner with a non-profit for a pilot program for mental health counseling at our public high schools, which was the first partnership of its kind between this non-profit and any municipality.  Since the Parkland tragedy, the municipal program has grown, and the School District has now provided additional funds for mental health counseling.

Fighting for Boca: Finally, Singer serves on two school district committees to oversee school sales tax money and to advise on school boundaries for potential redistricting in the fall.  With Scott Singer as Boca’s Mayor, Boca will have a representative on these important committees protecting our municipal interests.